Robert Young

September 30, 1936 - September 30, 2023

Funeral Details:

Robert Young, AKA Uncle Bob, was truly a remarkable person. His absence will be deeply felt by his close & extended family and the friends he has made.  Good Words fall short in describing Bob Young as he was a kind, gentle soul and a very sweet man.  We can all draw strength from grieving with fond memories and those memories for many of us will be a source of inspiration, warmth and love. He was a great lover of Animals and a dedicated pet owner.

Predeceased by loving wife Marian, parents Stan and Phyllis, brothers Ron and Danny. Survived by loving spouse Mary and his children and grandchildren. May He Rest in Peace!


9 Condolences
  • Rob Katzman
    Posted on: Thursday, October 5, 2023 Reply

    We are sorry for your loss.
    I only knew Bobby when I was younger when I would visit with my parents.

    It’s great that his daughter has started to reconnect with our branch of the family.

    Rob and Judy Katzman

  • Jon Young
    Posted on: Thursday, October 5, 2023 Reply

    Sending our condolences.

    I hope that your memories are sweet and that his kindness will live on as an inspiration to everyone he touched.

    Jon & Eti Young

  • Frank Tizel
    Posted on: Thursday, October 5, 2023 Reply

    To the Robert Young family, our sincere condolences on the passing of Bob.
    When somebody you love becomes a memory that memory becomes a treasure.

    Frank & Janie Tizel

  • Katherine Young
    Posted on: Friday, October 6, 2023 Reply

    Uncle Bob was a one of a kind type of person. Kind, calm, caring and I remember when he got together with my Dad, his brother Ron Young, they were very funny and shared fascinating stories of their youth. I am so grateful that I was able to visit Uncle Bob in July. He may not have known who I was that day, but knowing him was all that mattered to me. To paraphrase Winnie the Pooh ” How lucky I am to have known someone that saying goodbye is so damned awful.” My brothers, sisters, cousins and all family members have fond memories of this marvelous man

  • Janet Hanley
    Posted on: Friday, October 6, 2023 Reply

    My sincere condolences to everyone. I met Bob as both a caregiver and a friend of the family a few years ago. He already had Alzheimer’s but was still one of the sweetest and kindest men I’ve ever met. He didn’t always know me but he was always lovely and often told great jokes. I loved every moment I spent with him. He will be missed dearly.

  • danny young
    Posted on: Sunday, October 8, 2023 Reply

    My uncle a great guy. Loved his pets and loved cars. Worked full time at Bell and had a Sunoco gas station at Kennedy/ 401 also had an Esso station at Yorkdale before that. My sincere condolences to my mom Ron, Boo, Elizabeth , Darren and Paige. We had such nice times with my uncle . My thoughts are of a man who was nice, wonderful nature always positive. I will miss him greatly and the light he brought to our family. THANK YOU UNCLE BOB!

  • John Riel
    Posted on: Tuesday, October 10, 2023 Reply

    I had the pleasure of meeting Robert Young (Bob) at a few Young family functions. Enjoyed his company as he was a very nice man. My sincere condolences to his family for their loss.

  • John Riel
    Posted on: Tuesday, October 10, 2023 Reply

    It was a great pleasure to meet Bob Young at a few “Young” events. He was welcoming and very interesting to talk to. Sincere condolences to his family and may he rest in peace.

  • Tamar Mitchell-Goffe
    Posted on: Saturday, October 14, 2023 Reply

    I met Robert when I started working at Roberta Place Long Term Care Home where he resided. I’m the Spritual Care Advisor aka Chaplain there. I had the pleasure of visiting him reglularly and speaking to him. He always had a very pleasant smile. He was very calm and collected. He also had a great sense of humour. He’ll surely be missed. On behalf of myself, the staff and residents at Roberta Place, sending our deepest condolences to his family and friends. Praying for strength, peace and comfort for you all during this very difficult time.

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