Neil Sterling Foster

December 1, 1951 - July 25, 2022

Funeral Details: Celebration of Life on Saturday, September 17, 2022 at the Angus Legion (15 Fraser St., Angus, ON) any time from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Passed away suddenly on July 25, 2022, at the age of 70.  He was a family man and a fixture in his community, he was loved dearly and will be missed immensely by all those he leaves behind.

Please feel free to stop in at the Angus Legion (15 Fraser St, Angus On) on September 17th, 2022, any time from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. to join us in celebrating and remembering him.

In Lieu of flowers...

I request that you take someone you love to lunch.  Call your best friend and tell them your best bad joke.  Take a long drive with some good company and great music.  Maybe have a sleep in on Sunday morning, make yourself a coffee and put your feet up.  Put on your favourite Jersey, grab a Gatorade and catch a football game.  In short, I ask that you spend some time doing something that brings you joy, with people that you love.  This is how you may honour my dad and each other.

I thank you in advance for that.



2 Condolences
  • John Molloy
    Posted on: Saturday, September 24, 2022 Reply

    I knew Neill .. from a very long time back…lm very thankful for that…Neil was a sincere kind fun loving spirit….as we all very well know….. the world is a sadder planet without him..but as we all know Neill is in heaven…he’s home

  • Paul & Sandy Borden
    Posted on: Tuesday, January 31, 2023 Reply

    We recently moved back to Barrie & were devastated to hear of Neil’s passing. I was trying to connect with him on Facebook. We have known him, Brian & Helen, Big Al & Mark since the early 70’s when we bowled together, went to ANAF, house parties & spent many a New Year’s celebrating together. This was a such a shock to us & I know to all who knew him. Neil was a very deep, insightful, loyal, caring & artistic person & we still have one of his writings which we cherish more than ever. Our deepest & sincere sympathies to all who knew him.

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