Michaël J. F. Haring

June 30, 1940 - January 24, 2025

Funeral Details: A celebration of life will be held in the spring, with details to follow.

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the peaceful passing of Michaël Johannes Franciscus Haring, who was surrounded by loved ones at the Georgian Bay General Hospital in Midland, ON, on January 24th at 5:05 pm.

Michaël was born in Delft, Holland, on June 30, 1940, to his parents Jacomina and Johannes. He is lovingly remembered by his devoted wife of 59 years, Catharina (Tini) Van Opzeeland. He was a cherished father to his two sons, Mark (Debra Cyr) and Ryan (Christa Zwaan), and a proud Opa to his three beloved grandchildren: Annaliese, Raymond, and Emma. He is also remembered with love by his brother Hans and his wife Gilda, who reside in Delft, Holland.

Michaël served nearly two years with the Dutch Marine Corps in New Guinea before marrying Tini in Delft in 1966. Together, they later immigrated to Canada, where he built a fulfilling career as a toolmaker in Barrie. Throughout his career, he worked with several companies in Simcoe County, including Canadylet, Plastomer, Canplas, IRDI, and Techform. He also shared his expertise as an instructor at Georgian College.

A man of many talents, Michaël built the family's first home in Canada on Highway 93, where he and Tini raised their children. Later, they moved to Anten Mills, settling on Binnie Drive, where many cherished family memories were made. The family also enjoyed summers at their beautiful beachfront home on Georgian Bay, where Michaël loved spending his time boating, fishing, and making memories with his grandchildren.

Outside of his career, Michaël found immense joy in his many hobbies. He was an avid outdoorsman who loved golfing, fishing, camping, hunting, and taking boating trips on Georgian Bay. He also had many creative talents, spending much of his time making pottery, jewelry, and glassblowing in his earlier years. He was a talented craftsman and a gifted teacher in his crafts.

After retiring, Michaël and Tini enjoyed winters in Florida, where he spent his days golfing, playing bocce ball, and enjoying cocktail hour with friends. In more recent years, they settled in the Park Place Retirement Community in Wasaga Beach, ON, where they continued to enjoy their time together.

Michaël was a beloved husband, father, brother, opa, and friend. He lived a wonderful, long life surrounded by loving family and friends, making beautiful memories along the way and touching the hearts of many. He will be deeply missed by all who knew and loved him.




9 Condolences
  • Stan & Sue Ste Croix
    Posted on: Saturday, February 1, 2025 Reply

    To Tini and all of Mike’s family and friends we offer our sincere condolences.
    He will be missed.

    Stan & Sue Ste Croix

  • Hans en Gilda Haring
    Posted on: Sunday, February 2, 2025 Reply

    Toen Mike en Tini naar Canada emigreerden vonden wij dat niet leuk. Mike was Hans zijn enige broer en wij dachten dat we elkaar niet veel meer zouden zien. Maar het tegendeel was waar. Wij zijn een aantal keren bij Mike en Tini in Canada geweest en hebben daar dan een hele fijne tijd gehad. Zo zijn zij vaker nog naar Nederland gekomen voor Mikes ouders, familie, vakantie en oude vrienden te zien. Ze genoten daar dan erg van.
    Omdat Mike tijdens zijn militaire dienst in Nieuw Guinea had gediend was hij een veteraan en kwam hij drie keer hierheen om deel te nemen aan de jaarlijkse Veteranendag in Den Haag. Hij liep dan mee in het defilé voor onze Koning. Maar het hoogtepunt van de dag was voor hem dan steeds weer het weerzien met zijn oude dienstkamaraden.
    We zullen Mike heel erg missen. Gelukkig hebben we veel mooie herinneringen en foto’s om op terug te kijken.

    Onze oprechte condolences voor Tini, Mark, Debbie, Ryan, Christa, Anneliese, Raymond, Emma en alle vrienden van Mike.
    Heel veel sterkte met dit grote verlies.


  • Mariane Cancilla
    Posted on: Monday, February 3, 2025 Reply

    Tini, Mark, Ryan & Family,

    It is never easy to lose those we love. Condolences to you and yours.

  • Sylvia Heistek
    Posted on: Monday, March 10, 2025 Reply

    We (Sylvia and Fred Heistek) got to know Giel (Michael – Mike) and Tini when they stayed several times with our friends Gilda and Hans Haring in the Netherlands.
    We condole the family: his wife Tini, his 2 sons and daughters-in-law, his 3 grandchildren, his brother and sister-in-law with this loss.
    We wish you much strength and keep the beautiful memories in your hearts.
    Love from Delft, Netherlands, by Sylvia and Fred.

  • John Dancavitch
    Posted on: Monday, March 10, 2025 Reply

    Dear Tini,

    Kim and I are in Florida for another couple weeks. We wish we could be there with you to celebrate his life.

    I worked with Mike for many years and our group of friends we partied with has never been replaced. He will be dearly missed,

    Love and peace.
    John and Kim.

  • Carl Magermans
    Posted on: Monday, March 10, 2025 Reply

    Just got the info of The passing away of your beloved Father Mike ,
    Mike and I served our term together in the Netherlands Marine Corps most of our time in The jungle of Netherlands New Guinea . I met Mike twice during The Veterans Day in The Hague Which he visited twice . I will remember Mike as a good friend and a buddy.Just a couple of months ago in 2024 we lost our mutual friend Paul aswell. Wishing You’ll The best
    For your info my Website http://www.mariniersnieuwguinea61-62.nl will give you a insight in our 2 years in The Dutch Marines in New Guinea also with Some pictures of Mike aswell !

  • Sylvie Burns
    Posted on: Tuesday, March 11, 2025 Reply

    My deepest condolences to you Ryan, Christa, Emma and family. Sending love and strength at this very difficult time. May your Dad rest in peace 🙏🏻❤️
    Love Sylvie xox

  • Dianne Jelly
    Posted on: Tuesday, March 11, 2025 Reply

    Condolences Ryan and Family.

  • Marc and Nora Scheirsen
    Posted on: Thursday, March 13, 2025 Reply

    Onze deelneming.

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