Georges Jacques Olivier

December 31, 1943 - May 19, 2024

Funeral Details: A Graveside Service will be held at St. Mary’s Cemetery in Barrie on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 11:30 a.m.

Peacefully passed away on Sunday, May 19, 2024, at the RVRHC in Barrie at the age of 80 years.  Born in Saint-Raphael, South of France to the late Georges and Madeline Olivier.  Survived by one son and three grandchildren.  Georges lived a life marked by adventure and dedication.


Georges spent several childhood years in Africa, where his father worked for the French Government Railroads during and following WWII, igniting his lifelong passion for hot sunny countries.  During his teenage years he moved back to Cannes, France where he completed his military service at 18 years in Brazzaville, Congo, and Africa, also serving as a paratrooper, demonstrating his courage and commitment.  Following Georges military service, he was recruited into the French Ministry of the Interior in Paris until the late 1960’s.


Georges immigrated to Canada in 1972, and after settling in Toronto he embarked on a distinguished career as a Paramedic with Metro Toronto Ambulance (Department of Emergency Services).  He later advanced to the role of supervisor at Ambulance Headquarters Station 25, where he worked until his retirement in 1998.


A Graveside Service will be held at St. Mary’s Cemetery in Barrie on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 11:30 a.m..  In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Georges can be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation.  Friends and family are invited to share their memories and condolences online at

Peaceful Transition Simcoe


29 Condolences
  • Anthony Coish
    Posted on: Saturday, May 25, 2024 Reply

    Rest well my friend, until we meet again.

  • Debra Jeffries
    Posted on: Saturday, May 25, 2024 Reply

    For many years you have been around my family. Your complete face would light up when you smiled or laughed. Which was often. Always soft spoken and a true gentle man. You will be thought of often. RIP Georges

  • Tony Iagallo
    Posted on: Sunday, May 26, 2024 Reply

    The Toronto Paramedic Pioneer Association offers condolences to family and friends of George Olivier. I worked with George at Metro Toronto Ambulance. He had a great sense of humour and as a Paramedic he treated his patients with great care. I visited George one month ago on April 24th at the Nursing Home. He appeared happy and enjoyed hearing stories from the past. I have attached a picture of George working as a Paramedic with his partner in the early 80s. Rest in peace George. You will always be remembered.

  • Donna Formica
    Posted on: Sunday, May 26, 2024 Reply

    May You Rest In Peace.
    Although we were together and married for almost 10 years, we certainly saw the world together and had amazing adventures.
    Your smile always lit up a room. It’s time for you to rest now.

  • Ken Ferrill
    Posted on: Sunday, May 26, 2024 Reply

    For many years as a team leader, I enjoyed working with George on a daily basis. He was compassionate, honest and reliable, and had a great sense of humour
    Safe journey, my friend I’ll meet you on the other side
    Your friend,

    Posted on: Sunday, May 26, 2024 Reply


  • Harold Danby
    Posted on: Sunday, May 26, 2024 Reply

    Rest in Peace George. You were a great friend and will be missed. Too the family, I used to visit George when he was in the retirement home and then when he went to the long term care. We used to have nice discussions. He was always glad to see me. Too the family my deepest condolences. Harold.

  • Jo-Ann Hellreich-Weir
    Posted on: Sunday, May 26, 2024 Reply

    Rest in peace Georges. Your smile and contagious laughter, will long be remembered. 💕

  • Cathy & Fraser Cameron
    Posted on: Sunday, May 26, 2024 Reply

    We are glad to have been able to both work with and also call George a friend. Always smiling and cheerful, he was a pleasure to be around. George, RIP. To George’s family, sincere condolences.

  • Brian Fallick
    Posted on: Sunday, May 26, 2024 Reply

    I was truly sorry to learn of Georges’ passing. He was a great person full of compassion for all. He will certainly be missed.

  • Ed Woods
    Posted on: Sunday, May 26, 2024 Reply

    George’s was a solid gentleman, always had a smile and a great sense of humour. I remember him when he started DES, when he worked at 25stn, and as a great supervisor. Gone too soon, you will be missed my friend…RIP

  • tom alston
    Posted on: Sunday, May 26, 2024 Reply

    sorry to hear of geo. passing ,worked with geo. at hq for many yrs,big smile ,easy to work with,liked by in peace. tom alston

  • Paula Doyle
    Posted on: Sunday, May 26, 2024 Reply

    It was always nice talking to George. He always had a nice word and a big smile.
    My condolences to his son and grandchildren.
    RIP 🙏🏻

  • Gord G.
    Posted on: Monday, May 27, 2024 Reply

    I knew Georges from his time at HQ. He was never to busy to stop, talk, and laugh! He made great crepe’s! Adieu, mon ami.

  • Bob Carson
    Posted on: Monday, May 27, 2024 Reply

    Working with George was always a pleasure , great persona always positive and a great French accent wil miss you My Buddy RIP Bob And Marguerite

  • Greg leblanc
    Posted on: Monday, May 27, 2024 Reply

    George was a great guy , and a true gentleman , George and i worked together for a few years out of 12 stn . When transferring elderly ladies from nursing homes , George would treat them so well they didn’t want him to leave . George had a brilliant mind and spent many years studying in the different Universities and community colleges
    I visited George a number of time in the Nursing home and he loved to hear about his college at TPS .
    He will be Missed

  • Robert Carson
    Posted on: Monday, May 27, 2024 Reply

    Working With George was all ways at a pleasure great persona loved his French accent and humour will miss you my buddy.RIP Bob And Marguerite Carson

  • Rev. Walter Kelly TPS Chaplain
    Posted on: Monday, May 27, 2024 Reply

    Dear Family and friends of George.
    I had many visits with George. I loved his stories of his early life. He was a good man. It was hard for his family in France to see him leave them for opportunities in Canada. He made a significant difference in the lives he touched and served with.
    He loved when I visited as he had no wife, kids or grand kids who stopped by for a visit. His smile said it all when I walked through the door.
    He left a positive mark on the lives of people in France, Africa and Toronto. He used the abilities and talents that God gave him to help others and make this world a better place. His hope was in the living Christ who said. ” I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.” John 11:25-26

  • Sonny Attard
    Posted on: Monday, May 27, 2024 Reply

    I worked with Georges for many years at HQ and often went out for lunch together.There was never a dull moment in his company and enjoyed our discussions on a variety of topics as his European background provided a unique perspective on events.
    He was a multi talented gentleman and often Georges was parachuted to fill a number of supervisory throughout his career and was a major contributor to special projects like the Papal visit, the expansion of headquarters and the Economic Summit.
    He served his chosen profession well.
    RIP, Georges.

  • jean Donnelly
    Posted on: Monday, May 27, 2024 Reply

    It was always a pleasure to stop in and visit with Georges the last few years. He loved chocolate and sweet things and I would often stop by a bakery first and pick him up a sweet to leave him to enjoy. He would share stories of his life, I hope he enjoyed our visits, RIP now 🕯️😇

  • Isabella Fordyce Maclachlan
    Posted on: Monday, May 27, 2024 Reply

    Farewell, Georges, a sad and last adieu.

  • John Whalley
    Posted on: Monday, May 27, 2024 Reply

    George was a gentleman. Always willing to help. An accomplished man in several fields. It was a pleasure to talk to him on the phone a few months back. I express condolences and my sympathies to his son and grandchildren Rest in Peace George.

  • Al Olivier
    Posted on: Monday, May 27, 2024 Reply

    It is really great to see everyone’s message .. I know my dad would of appreciated .. Lots of talk about his early life – Unfortunately, I can only post one picture .. Rest in Peace Dad xoxox

  • Marnie and Bill Doolittle
    Posted on: Monday, May 27, 2024 Reply

    Georges was our next door neighbour from 1974 till 1987 in Scarborough. We remember when he brought his son Alban (then about 12) from France to join him and his wife Mari. Their black lab Sasha was also a part of the family. They were very good neighbours. Georges had colourful stories to tell about his time in Africa like when he was sent to deliver a message to the local warlord. When he was an ambulance driver, he recounted how he had saved the life of a very tall woman by pulling her out of the way of a truck sliding towards them on an icy ramp off the 401. One night, he arrived at our home in his capacity with the ambulance where he calmed our family member and took them to hospital. We saw first hand his skill as a paramedic and his caring. Georges also led an exercise session at the Bayview Y for several years. When we moved out of the neighbourhood, we lost touch. Sadly, this morning, when we read the paper, we learned of Georges’s passing. Health concerns will keep us from the graveside service on Tuesday morning. We are grateful for the years that Georges was our neighbour and friend. Rest in peace Georges. You made a difference.

  • Ron Wakeford
    Posted on: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 Reply

    My deepest heart felt condolences are sincerely extended to you, Georges Family.

    I first met Georges back in the year of 1977 when I worked out of the old 8 station at Yonge St. and Empress when the we worked for D.E.S. (Department of Emergency Services). At that time Georges was working with a Scotsman by the name of James Calder, which I thought was an odd combination a ‘Scotsman working with a Frenchman!’ Nevertheless Georges true character always shone to the forefront no matter the situation at hand. To me Georges exemplified the best that he could be to his patients and partners. He had a wonderful sense of humour that was infectious to all who knew him and I quickly recognized these positive traits of character, faithfulness; reliable; humility; compassion for others; never any surprises with Georges, Rock Solid Dependable! In the early 80’s I had the opportunity to work with Georges out of the old 25 station at Morningside and Shepard Ave. (the water tower) when we transitioned to D.A.S. (Department of Ambulance Services). That partnership lasted for several good years despite the leg injury that he bravely bore when he had an unfortunate fall fracturing his leg while on vacation in France. Georges soon realized that he could no longer work on the Ambulance doing calls so he wrote the Supervisors exam and advanced to A.R. (Alternate Rating) status and eventually securing a managerial position at Head Quarters where he was warmly received by his colleagues until his retirement.

    Georges… my ole parter. Let’s meet under God’s Tree of Life and contemplate and explore together those un-fallen Worlds of Creation in His vast universe! Until that Time, rest my dear friend, rest.

  • Gerry Childs
    Posted on: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 Reply

    Condolences to George’s family. I remember him smiling and laughing so much. George could read me the phone book; I loved the Parisian accent. Another pioneer has their last call. Rest well, George; I wish you peace.

  • Joanne Davison
    Posted on: Wednesday, May 29, 2024 Reply

    Well Georges, you created a busy week. The hospital visits, the preparations for your final resting place and the photos of your beautiful memories. Dianne , making sure your every wish was looked after. You still made me smile.
    Even after you stepped through the birth cannel, traveling and reaching your life with God we were glad to know you were not in pain. I knocked on your casket just incase I heard a knock back. I knew you were laughing at my silliness. We had many a good laughs . I will miss our ice cream runs and chocolate fest. . Healing took place as you departed from this world leaving an understanding that we are all are born to die and not perfect. So lets rejoice in the power of friends, family, love and Gods gift to us all. You have made my world a better place Thank you George for being my friend.

  • Lynne Simon
    Posted on: Wednesday, May 29, 2024 Reply

    I met Georges at the North York YMCA. We had a very close-knit group of friends back then. Georges was always so much fun. Somehow we eventually lost touch, but we were able to reconnect on Facebook years later. He disappeared from Facebook and I asked people on his feed what had happened to him, but nobody responded to me. My brother read Georges’s obituary in the newspaper and informed me. I’ll see you on the other side my good friend.

  • Mairi Olivier
    Posted on: Tuesday, September 3, 2024 Reply

    I found out today that Georges died (I live in BC) He was one of the kindest and good natured person I had met in my many travels.
    I met Georges while in Paris in 1969 we had been together until 1972 when I decided to return to Toronto. He decided he would come with me and we married a year later. We had many happy years and I consider myself fortunate having him in my life. RIP Jojo

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