Paul E. Guillotte

1962-03-28 - 2016-05-22

Funeral Details:

Guillotte, Paul; passed away peacefully May 22, 2016 at RVH with his family by his side. Loving fiancé of Laurie Sherman, stepfather of Jeff (Amanda), Greg (Samantha), Kristen and godfather of Jean-Paul and Josée as well as step grandfather to 3 grandchildren. Son of Jos and Mariette, brother of Louise Dubosq (Simon), Yvon (d 2009) (Sylvie), Rolland (d 2002) (Leanne), Line Crickard (Ken), Catherine Guillotte, Jean-Pierre (Rebekah) and Jules René. Uncle to many nieces and nephews. Also remembered by best friend John Gillen, extended family, friends and the many students he was fortunate enough to teach over the years.

Visitation will be held Thursday May 26, 2016 from 7 – 9pm at Steckley-Gooderham Funeral Home, 201 Minet’s Point Road, Barrie.

Service will be held Friday May 27, 2016, visitation 10 am Service beginning at 11 am at St John Vianney Church, 13 Baldwin Ln, Barrie.

Interment will take place in Kapuskasing June 1, 2016 at 2pm.

In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the “Monsieur Guillotte Sports Award” at Sunnybrae Public School, Stroud, On.


9 Condolences
  • Monica Henry
    Posted on: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 Reply

    Cher Mon Oncle Jos, Ma Tante Mariette, Laurie, Louise et Simon, Sylvie, Leanne, Line et Ken , Catherine, Jean-Pierre et Rébekah, Jules-René et vos enfants …

    Nous avons du mal à imaginer à quel point ces derniers jours ont été difficiles à affronter pour vous et votre famille mais sachez que nous pleurons avec vous la perte de votre fils, fiance, frère… notre cousin Paul, une personne que nous estimions et qui était trop jeune pour partir à ce moment de la vie.

    Nous prions pour vous et sommes de tout cœur à vos côtés.

    Nous vous présentons nos plus sincères condoléances

    Monica (Henry), Roger, Ryan et Vanessa Chevanel

  • Lily et Maurice Ethier
    Posted on: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 Reply

    Nos pensee sont avec vous tout! Love you all.  Lily et Maurice

  • Adrien et Louise Tremblay
    Posted on: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 Reply

    Nos Sincères Sympathies Joseph, Mariette et toute la famille Guillotte pour la perte d un etre bien aime. Nous sommes avec vous de tous coeurs en ces moments difficiles.

  • Denis et Réjeanne Faucher
    Posted on: Thursday, May 26, 2016 Reply

    Nos plus sincères condoléance a toute la famille.  Nous prions pour vous tous.

  • Marcel Dansereau
    Posted on: Thursday, May 26, 2016 Reply

    Our thoughts and prayers go the Guillotte families on the lost of a son, brother and father.
    Sincere sympathies


  • Karen McGregor
    Posted on: Thursday, May 26, 2016 Reply

    Our daughter, Alaina, was fortunate  to have Mr. Guillotte as a French teacher last year at Sunnybrae.  She really enjoyed his sense of humour and the way he connected with the students. He will be greatly missed by the students and their families. We send our thoughts and prayers to you at this time.  Karen McGregor, Darin & Alaina Crowe

  • Lori-Ann Papineau
    Posted on: Friday, May 27, 2016 Reply

    Mes plus sinceres sympathies a tous.  Lori-Ann Papineau

  • Serena Hansen (Cook)
    Posted on: Friday, May 27, 2016 Reply

    A huge loss for so many people. Number one coach, number one teacher and number one fan. Forever in our memories- A beautiful ceremony to say goodbye to a man who touched so many lives. RIP Mr. Guillotte! My love for the game is thanks to you, my passion to win and ability to fight hard will always be remembered as a gift you taught me!

  • Daniel Beelby
    Posted on: Friday, June 10, 2016 Reply

    Paul taught me 10yrs ago and was the most supportive and loving people to ever walk the halls of Sunnybrae. He was always a shoulder to lean on and a ear to talk to.
    He will always be missed but know that he touched thousands of lives with his big heart and even bigger laugh.

    Will miss you Monsieur!

    Daniel Beelby

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